Kelly Reemtsen | Duality: Detroit

Mayo 11 - Junio 15, 2024
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Press release
David Klein Gallery is pleased to present Kelly Reemtsen: Duality, an exhibition of new paintings, large scale pastel drawings and unique etchings.  An opening reception for the artist will take place on Saturday, May 11, 5– 8 PM at David Klein Gallery, 1520 Washington Boulevard, Detroit.
In her latest body of work, Reemtsen tackles the concept of Duality. The multiple characteristics of human nature can cause complex, often opposing instincts resulting in two faces, one a public self and one a private self. Love and hate, good and evil, happy, and sad, serious, and playful; all of these qualities co-exist in an individual human. Choosing two different mediums to portray “twin” images, the artist makes her point with her arresting compositions produced in both vibrant pastel drawings and multi-layered deeply textured oil paintings, subtlety highlighting the concept of two different selves.

As viewers we become aware of a sense of intentionality on the part of the artist. Employing varied mediums, a nuance of detail and slight tweaks in the intensity of color, the artist introduces us to meaningful differences, differences not shouted but whispered in a myriad of ways. Her real effort is to get us to look in the first place in this era of overload. To look closely. And in looking closely the world that once appeared as a lame progression of sameness becomes a wondrous kingdom of marvelous details and nuanced differences. Once again, the world has a hope of being meaningful if only observed at close range. 

- Anthony Mastromatteo, 2024


Reemtsen continues to address the ongoing challenges faced by contemporary women. Her iconic series of richly textured paintings and masterful prints featuring fashionably dressed women wielding powerful tools resonates with all audiences. Her compelling images act as metaphors for the capable women who arm themselves with quick minds, inherent talents, and the necessary resources to achieve success in today’s complicated world. Reemtsen addresses her subject matter with style and wit, but her intentions are serious. What will it take for women to finally achieve equality?


Reemtsen is an accomplished painter and print maker whose work has been widely exhibited at galleries and art fairs in the United States and abroad since 1996. Her work is in multiple private and public collections including the collection of the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI. This is her sixth solo exhibition with David Klein Gallery. Reemtsen trained at Otis Parsons, Los Angeles, CA, California State University, Long Beach, CA; Art Center, Pasadena, CA; and Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.  


A native of Flint, Michigan, Kelly Reemtsen lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. She maintains studios in Los Angeles and in London.